Case Study

TOOLKIT : Planning and Managing Periurban Parks

Contact name

Teresa Pastor Ramos

Institution name

EUROPARC Federation

Region & country



This toolkit is aimed at all Protected Areas keen to learn from the experience of Periurban Parks. It is also useful
for policy-makers who want to promote the protection of natural greenspaces around and within urban settings.
This toolkit will enable you to learn how to plan and manage your park better through inspiring case studies. It also
provides, links to webpages and studies useful for further reference.

Toolkit Periurban Parks

Background of the project

Periurban Parks attract large numbers of users who use them to practice outdoor sports and to be in contact with nature for wellbeing and health. However, Periurban Parks and other Protected Areas have faced a dramatically increased influx of visitors, especially during and the aftermath of the COVID 19 pandemic.

To meet these challenges and derive the best results for people and nature, Periurban Parks need to be planned and managed as multi-functional spaces in which social functions are compatible with biodiversity, nature, water and land management needs.

Solution and actions taken

The challenge is real, but there are also significant opportunities. This toolkit reflects the experience of Periurban Park managers working to reconcile the needs of nature, the quality of management practices and the increased demands faced by Periurban Parks.

We tackle the challenge following 5 topics:

  • Designing the Park
  • Enhancing Biodiversity
  • Hosting People
  • Communicating and Learning with People – Awareness Raising & Environmental Education
  • Working with People – Governance & Partnerships

Other institutions or parties involved

The Periurban Commission:

  • Marià Martí, Parc de Collserola, Barcelona
  • Riccardo Gini & Silvia Argentiero, Parco Nord Milano, Milan
  • Anne Huger, Arche de la Nature, Le Mans
  • Annukka Rasinmäki, Metsähallitus Parks & Wildlife, Finland
  • Nikos Pangas, Philodassiki, Greece
  • Teresa Pastor EUROPARC Federation Directorate

Other collaborators

  • Fernando Alves, Parque Florestal Monsanto, Lisbon
  • Alberto Girani, Parco Portofino, Santa Margarita Ligure
  • Carol Ritchie, EUROPARC Federation Directorate



Lessons learned

Other resources

Contact name

Teresa Pastor Ramos

Institution name

EUROPARC Federation


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