Marine environment: EU protection is wide but not deep – presentation of the special report Nr 26/2020 by European Court of Auditors

Mediterranean sea floor with sand, rocks and a lot fish in background. South Sardinia sea - Adobe Stock.

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On March 23rd 2021, the European Court of Auditors presented to the European Parliament its conclusions on the special report Nr 26/2020 “Marine environment: EU protection is wide but not deep”.

This report reflects that, despite of some progress has been made by European member states over the last decade in the protection of the marine environment, the results as of today are far away from the expected.

Presentation of the report by the Court of Auditors

At the beginning of the session, João Figueiredo, Member of the European Court of Auditors, explained the three main aspects analysed for the production of the report “Marine environment: EU protection is wide but not deep”: the policy framework, the use of funds and the progress done, to continue with the main conclusions reached.

On the one hand, among the conclusions at policy level, he stressed the difficulties found by member state to apply the EU policy framework and the insufficient use made of the existing legal provisions to coordinate environmental and fisheries policies.

On the other hand, Mr. Figuereido pointed that Marine Protected Areas currently offer little protection to halt marine biodiversity loss, the unsuccessful efforts made to meet the targets set in the Common Fisheries Policy for 2020 and the low amount of EU funds that are used for direct conservation measures, which is currently around the 6% of the total funds.

To end with, he stressed the differences found on the uneven progress made in the conservation of marine ecosystems in the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea, being the latter in a worse conservation scenario, where the fish stocks are overall fished twice over the calculate sustainable levels or its Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY).

After a brief presentation, the floor was given then to the Members of the European Parlament (MEPs) who, presented their perspectives on the matter.

Contributions from the Commission and perspectives from the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs)

The first contribution came from the hand of the European Commission. Veronica Manfredi, Director for Quality of Life (Air, Water & Industrial Emissions) of the Directorate General for the Environment (DG ENV) reiterated the commitment to keep working on the protection of the marine environment and stressed that a lot has been achieved in previous years, allowing to improve our knowledge on marine resources. She noted that the Court of Auditors report has focused on fisheries but that further efforts to tackle negative impacts from invasive species, agriculture, pollution and other sources should be increased. As she spoke,

Only a very holistic approach will enable to tackle the problem – Veronica Manfredi, DG ENV.

This vision on the uneven distribution of efforts, the lack of an integrated approach and the tendency of the different EU Directorates to work independently, leading to a silos approach, was widely shared by other MEPs during the session.

In this line, MEP Pierre Karleskind, Chair of the Fisheries Committee, discussed about the existing question marks on pressures different from fisheries, such as pollution and climate change. As an example, he commented reduction of fishing fleat on the Atlantic cod in order to protect the stock and how this single measure did not ensure its recovery, as it depends on other factors such as climate change that were not properly addressed.

Likewise, MEP Catherine Chabaud, European Parliament Intergroup on Seas, Rivers, Islands and Coastal Areas, supported the need of coordination between different departments and brought to the table the necessity of an integrated approach, giving references to Pascal Lamy, former Director-General of the World Trade Organization and EU Trade Commissioner, for his use of the term hydrosphere to integrate land´s fresh water and ocean´s water in a single concept. She also made a call to the European Union to support this same approach and to consider oceans as a common good on which we are all individually and collectively responsible.

And to add to this matter, MEP Grace O´Sullivan, Committee on Fisheries, highlighted the existing separation between fisheries management and climate change. Furthermore, he stressed that fishing quotas are set above the MSY  and that there is not sufficient enforcement present to apply the legislation, calling the European Union to urgently act to establish an effective control system for fisheries.

Continuing on the fisheries perspective, MEP Aurelie Beigneux, Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, commented on the lack of opportunities that local and traditional fisheries have, as 99% of fishing resources are exploited by big commercial ships, and called the commission to take action to protect the former.

Regarding financial support, MEP Marian-Jean Marinescu, Committee on Budgetary Control, commented that EU funding supports marine protection through different instruments but none is specific for marine environment.

Additional comments on this regard were made by MEP Corina Crețu, Committee on Budgetary Control who pointed that the majority of funds concentrate on commercial fishing whereas other sectors are left aside.

Also on this matter, Mrs. Valérie Tankink, head of Unit in the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) of the European Commission, highlighted the current efforts being made by DG ENVI and DG MARE to coordinate their work, and the advances being done for programming the funds together with member states in the different sea basins.

Other important mentions that arose during the session were the ongoing review of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, which will be open to public consultation soon, and the progress being made in the implementation of the Biodiversity Strategy 2030 to set nature restoration targets, both commented by Ms. Manfredi.

The EUROPARC perspective

The debate underlined same points that are very important for Marine Protected Areas, such as the need of tackling the marine environmental issues and biodiversity lost through  holistic approach, embracing land and sea as a whole. This holistic approach also must be reflected in a greater coherence between policy and actions and between different actors and authorities at all levels.

On the other hand, our success in achieving the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 targets on time, especially those referring to the expansion of the protected surface and effective management of MPAs, will rely on increasing the amount of dedicated human resources and funds to achieve the good control and effectiveness needed

In many cases, MPAs can be efficient even when certain fisheries and tourism are allowed within their boundaries. Reaching an effective management implies, among other factors, the implementation of an effective zoning scheme the implementation of enforcement measures and the establishment of partnership with business and local fishermen, being the later a critical point. For all of these actions, specific funds are needed.

Additional information

You can find other news about the report “Marine environment: EU protection is wide but not deep” or download the full report here.

The recording of the event is available here

Recommendations for a green and fair CAP reform

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On Friday the 26th of March, the so-called “super trilogue” will take place to seek a breakthrough in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) talks. EUROPARC, together with 41 other NGO’s and civil society organizations have send a joint letter to the negotiators to urge them to bring the CAP in line with the EU Green Deal.

What is happening?

The CAP negotiations are complex and have been going on for multiple months now. To achieve a breakthrough in the CAP talks, the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union recently called a joint negotiation meeting – dubbed a super trilogue. Many nature-orientated NGO’s, as well as farmers, have been critical of the current state of the CAP and EUROPARC too believes that it is crucial that there is a better coherence between the CAP and the EU Green Deal.

This is why EUROPARC decided to sign a letter calling for an ambitious, green and fair reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The letter was send out to the negotiators today.

You can read the letter here

What is needed?

The CAP file is divided into three pieces of legislation, dealing specifically with strategic plans, horizontal governance and common market organisation (CMO) of the EU’s agricultural policy. The European Parliament (EP) is represented by one negotiator for each dossier conducting separate negotiations. The Portuguese presidency aims for a comprehensive and systematic assessment of three regulations that make up the CAP reform.

In the letter, we urge the lead negotiators to implement the following five overarching priorities into the three CAP regulations:

1. Incorporate the principles, objectives and targets of the Green Deal into the CAP to give national Strategic Plans a clear direction from their design all the way to their approval and performance reviews;

2. Fully implement the ‘do no harm’ principle into the CAP through strong environmental and social conditionality and safeguards;

3. Empower farmers and rural actors to adopt climate-, nature-, people-, and animal-friendly farming practices and models through fair and effective CAP support;

4. Adopt adequate instruments to manage and regulate agricultural markets to limit overproduction, which causes waste, price crashes for farmers, and contributes to unsustainable trade, and to increase the fairness and transparency of supply chains;

5. Ensure good governance in the new CAP through strong rules on transparency, accountability of Member States for EU budget spending.

EUROPARC urges that the CAP is in line with the EU Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategy, to ensure good outcomes for nature, and for people.

Protected Areas and Agriculture

Agriculture and nature protection do not need to be at opposite sites of the spectrum. Many Protected Areas within Europe already work closely together with farmers on sustainable agricultural practices. On the 30th of March EUROPARC will take a closer look at the relationship between the agroindustry and Protected Areas in the webinar “Protected Areas and Conventional Agriculture: opportunities and challenges for cooperation”. Join us! You can register for free here.

COVID-19 takes a heavy toll on Protected Areas and nature conservation

Protected Area rangers play an essential role in nature conservation and environmental education. Photo: Kullaberg Nature Reserve

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Consequences of the pandemic pose severe threats to Protected Areas and nature conservation efforts around the world. This gloomy conclusion results from a series of new research papers and articles published last week by IUCN.

The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences have caused job losses among Protected Areas rangers, cuts in environmental protection funding and collapse in ecotourism around the globe. Needless to say, these setbacks could undermine global efforts to halt biodiversity loss and climate change.

Dr Bruno Oberle, IUCN Director General commented:

While the global health crisis remains priority, this new research reveals just how severe a toll the COVID-19 pandemic has taken on conservation efforts and on communities dedicated to protecting nature.

Published in a special issue of PARKS – the journal of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, a collection of new studies and articles analysed the impacts of the pandemic on Protected Area operations. The publication also examined implications for recently adopted environmental policies, and how they are reflected in economic recovery packages and other governmental policies.

Budget cuts and collapse in tourism revenue

According to the IUCN synthesis, conservation efforts were most severely hit in Africa and Asia. More than half of Protected Areas in Africa, and about a quarter in Asia, reported that they had to halt or reduce field patrols and anti-poaching operations, as well as environmental education activities.

The pandemic was also a hard blow for the livelihoods of rangers and their communities. A survey of rangers in more than 60 countries found that more than one in four rangers had seen their salary reduced or delayed, while 20% said that they had lost their jobs due to the pandemic-related budget cuts.

What is the situation in Europe?

Despite closures and losses of tourism revenue, most Protected Areas in Europe maintained their core conservation operations. The surveys also show that European rangers weren’t affected as strongly as their peers from Central America and the Caribbean, South America, Africa and Asia.

Overcrowding of Europe’s Protected Areas posed serious issues during the first COVID wave. Photo: Jakub Kaspar

However, European Protected Areas have also met significant challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. A study by FIDELIO research project found that impacts of COVID-19 and their policy implications put unexpected pressure on the parks and their staff, which naturally generated pleas for more support. These new challenges were mainly connected to overcrowdingnew profile of visitors, their problematic behavior and conflicts between different groups.

COVID-19 and environmental policy

To also shed light on the impacts of the pandemic on environmental policy, the report analysed economic recovery packages and other government policies that were implemented or advanced in 2020. The experts identified some positive examples explicitly benefitting Protected Areas or scaling up environmental protection. For example, eight EU countries have set aside funding to expand or better manage Protected Areas, natural capital and the circular economy.

While 17 countries have maintained or increased their support for Protected Areas, 22 countries have on the contrary rolled back their environmental protection. In some cases, governments have even considered proposals to allow mining and fossil fuel extraction in Protected Areas. Mentioned in the report are for example proposals by the Brazilian government to allow mining and fossil fuel extraction in indigenous reserves, new permits in Russia to allow deforestation for transport and infrastructure in natural areas, and plans to explore and drill for oil and gas in the US Arctic.

Knowing the importance of healthy and protected nature, EUROPARC stands by all the affected Protected Areas and their rangers around the world. As expressed by Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, head of the Global Environment Facility:

We cannot say we are building back better unless we do so whilst also protecting the natural world.

As we might be slowly emerging out of the crisis with available vaccination, the time to design a better future is now. And if we want to build back better, the recovery needs to include a better protection of rangers and their livelihoods around the world, societies and nature resistant to climate change, and a more sustainable tourism sector.

Read about Sustainable Tourism and the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas!

Next webinar: Protected Areas and Conventional Agriculture: opportunities and challenges for cooperation

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EUROPARC’s next webinar will take place on the 30th of March 10:00 CET. It will look at how Protected Areas can cooperate with conventional agriculture businesses. You can sign up here (it’s free!)

Agriculture & Protected Areas

Agriculture is the most important sector in rural areas, which is why EUROPARC is actively involved in supporting dialogue and partnership between Protected Area managers and farmers.

The cooperation between Protected Areas and farmers often focuses on small, family or organic agriculture. While clearly important, Protected Areas will sometimes be linked in some way to bigger agroindustry that can influence species and habitats. In these situations, dialogue among Protected Area managers and farmers can be essential for assessing reciprocal impacts and for supporting the development of sustainable management practices, which work both for Protected Areas and farmers.

By collecting experiences with specific attention to Protected Areas in The Netherlands, Germany and Luxembourg, we aim to explore the relationship between Protected Areas and agroindustry, the challenges and potentials of this dialogue and possible partnerships.

Sign up for the webinar here

Webinar Programme

Welcome and Intro EUROPARC and topic from the Protected Areas perspective
By Stefania Petrosillo, EUROPARC Federation (Belgium).

From production and protection paradigms to a landscape approach: Opportunities for cooperation between Protected Areas and large conventional agricultural enterprises
By Lisanne Kruiswijk, EUROPARC Federation (Belgium).

Traditionally, agriculture and nature conservation are at the opposite end of land planning discussions. Agriculture can have a devastating effect on nature through nutrient spillage and pesticide use. Nevertheless, more and more farmers are implementing sustainability measures on their land and more Protected Areas are initiating cooperative projects with these farmers. A group that is usually left out of this symbiosis is the group of large conventional agricultural enterprises. Protected Areas often initiate projects with small family farms or organic farmers, while conventional agriculture still makes up a large share of the agricultural land. This analysis looks at the relation between Protected Areas and conventional agriculture in Germany, the Netherlands and Luxembourg through the lens of paradigms.

Collaboration with conventional farmers at eye level – Upper Sure case study
By Martine Stoll, Upper Sure Nature Park (Luxembourg).

The aim of the cooperation between the Protected Area, water supply and farmers in Nature Park Öewersauer is to improve water quality in the national drinking water reservoir through information, cooperation and financial incentives for technical measures. The initiative originated in a working group on agriculture in the Nature Park, where the common goal was formulated on an equal footing with all partners. Reservations and barriers to action between the agriculture and water-conservation interest groups were reduced, allowing a promotion program with a national impact to be developed. Some innovative alternative agricultural techniques and local cooperation between farmers and the drinking water producer were newly developed and applied for the first time in Luxembourg.

Pride and Prejudice!? Conventional agriculture in the international Nature Park Bourtanger Moor – Bargerveen
By Hauke Zirfas, Int. Naturpark Bortanger Moor – Bargerveen (Germany – Netherlands).

In the diverse area of Bortanger Moor- Bargerveen responsibility, I have many encounters with farmers and other actors involved in land use. From conflicts such as plowing over the boundaries of public areas (illegal land appropriation) to successful collaborations and synergy effects, the entire spectrum of relationships between the district administrations (or the nature park) and various agricultural actors is a very present part of my everyday work. Our aim is to enable a dialogue between those involved in nature conservation and agriculture.This happens in different ways on the different sides of the Dutch-German border.

Let’s talk about it…
All participants have the opportunity to exchange on the topics discussed and/or ask questions.

Closing remarks
By Joao Melo, Cascais Ambiente (Portugal).

The webinar will last approximately 1h 30min and it will be hosted in English. We welcome participants from all across the network.

Get to know the speakers!

Stefania Petrosillo – Policy Officer, EUROPARC.
I am the EUROPARC Policy Officer in Brussels. Regarding Agriculture, on behalf of the Federation I take part in the EU debates about the reform of CAP and the development of the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies, and I am a member of the Brussels platforms “CAP NGOs Working Group” and “EU Sustainable Food Policy Coalition”. I also coordinate the EUROPARC Commission for Agriculture and Protected Areas.

Lisanne Kruiswijk – Policy Assistant EUROPARC.
I am a graduating student MSc Forest and Nature Conservation at Wageningen University and I am specialised in nature policy and the relation between nature and agriculture. The final part of my studies was a six month internship at EUROPARC Federation as a policy assistant. I have been assisting the EUROPARC Policy work in for EUROPARC in Brussels and did a small research on Protected Areas and conventional agriculture.

Martine Stoll – Upper Sure nature park – Agricultural Cooperation Upper Sure – LAKU.
I have been working at the Upper Sure nature park in Luxembourg since January 2015. I helped in the founding process of a cooperation between the local farmers, the drinking water provider SEBES and the Upper Sure nature park. I am currently project manager of this cooperation, LAKU; the main aim of which is water pollution prevention.

Hauke Zirfas Forest Scientist and Forest Ecologist and Nature-Park-Ranger for Int. Naturpark Bortanger Moor – Bargerveen.
In my diverse area of responsibility, I have many encounters with farmers and other actors involved in land use. From conflicts such as plowing over the boundaries of public areas (illegal land appropriation) to successful collaborations and synergy effects, the entire spectrum of relationships between the district administrations (or the nature park) and various agricultural actors is a very present part of my everyday work.

João Melo – Director Cascais Ambiente.
I am a landscape architect dedicated to nature conservation and
biodiversity, with experience in the planning and execution of
conservation and ecological restoration projects, engaging volunteers, promoting nature tourism, involving the management of multidisciplinary teams.

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