LIFE Programme is 30!!!

LIFE is 30

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About LIFE

The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. It began in 1992 and so far has co-financed more than 5 500 projects in the field of environmental protection.

LIFE sub-programmes

The new LIFE programme phase (2021-2027) has four sub-programmes:

The European Commission has increased LIFE funding by almost 60% for 2021 – 2027.
It now stands at €5.4 billion

The EUROPARC Federation & LIFE

There are various LIFE Programmes EUROPARC is currently involved in:

LIFE and EUROPARC: our projects

1. LIFE UrbanGreeningPlans (2021-2023)

The LIFE UrbanGreeningPlans project aims to pave the way for urban areas throughout Europe to include Green Infrastructure, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and the promotion of healthy ecosystems in their urban planning. The project supports one of EUROPARC’s main messages: the value of green (peri-)urban spaces for our daily physical and mental well being.

LIFE UrbanGreeningPlans in a nutshell

2. LIFE Natur’Adapt (2018-2023)

Natur’Adapt aims at triggering a transition towards the adaptive management of Protected Areas while laying the foundations of a dynamic collective learning process.


Join us in France at the EUROPARC Conference organised in the framework of the LIFE Natur’Adapt Project, focusing on Climate Change Adaptation in and around Protected Areas.

More information will come soon – stay tuned!

3. LIFE ENABLE (2021-2024)

The LIFE ENABLE project will provide learning opportunities for Natura 2000 and Protected Area managers, to become more effective, competent and confident nature management professionals. It will create the European Nature Academy, a European training hub for nature managers that will continue beyond the lifetime of the project.

LIFE ENABLE Factsheet/Enable Natura 2000 and Protected Area managers

LIFE ENABLE Factsheet: click on the image to download the full document

Click on the image to download the LIFE ENABLE leaflet

Happy 30th birthday, LIFE!

Happy 30th birthday, LIFE!

Webinar: Green Tourism: Make it real! The key role of the ECST in tackling the new challenges ahead.

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Join the next EUROPARC webinar on Sustainable Tourism

  • 1st of June
  • 11:00 CEST
  • Register for free here

EUROPARC will host a webinar on Sustainable Tourism, which more than ever plays an important role in achieving the ambitious 2050 climate-neutral goal. The webinar is organized on the occasion of the EU Green Week 2022 “EU Green Deal – Make it Real” and the 20th anniversary of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas (ECST).

In this webinar, we will explore how the ECST can be used to implement the new EU strategy for sustainable tourism proposed by the European Parliament in 2021. In addition, we will look at the new strategy that is being prepared by Slovenia’s Julian Alps Biosphere Reserve (awarded with the ECST 2016 and 2020), to become a sustainable tourist destination by 2025+.

There will be a focus on managing seasonality, congestion, high expectations, spatial developments and risks, as well as understanding new forms of tourism that have emerged over recent years.

Webinar Programme

Welcome and Introduction to the webinar
By Teresa Pastor, manager of the European Charter of Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas, EUROPARC Federation.

Sharing ideas, suggestions and experiences amongst participants to make Green Tourism a reality, based on:

  • The European Charter of Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas and the 2021 EU policy for Sustainable Tourism, by Stefania Petrosillo, Policy Officer, EUROPARC Federation
  • A new development plan for the Julian Alps Biosphere Reserve to become a Sustainable Tourism Destination 2025+, by Klemen Langus, Director of Tourist Board Bohinj and Coordinator of Julian Alps Destination

The Speakers

Stefania Petrosillo
Stefania is our Policy Officer in Brussels. Stefania is an expert in advocacy and policy, and works in close cooperation with international NGOs and other EUROPARC partners.

Klemen Langus
Klemen has been the Director of Tourism Board Bohinj for 15 years. He is vice president of Alpine Pearls and the coordinator of the Julian Alps Biosphere Region.

Biodiversity Day 2022: Building a shared future for all life

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The International Day for Biological Diversity is celebrated every year on May 22nd to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues.

Biodiversity is a term used to describe the enormous variety of life on Earth. It refers to every living thing, including plants, bacteria, animals, and humans. It is essential for the health and balance of our planet and may be the answer to many sustainability challenges. From nature-based solutions to climate change, health issues, food and water security, and sustainable livelihoods, biodiversity is the foundation upon which we can build back a better, stronger and shared future for everyone.

The slogan announced by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) for Biodiversity Day 2022 is:

Building a shared future for all life

Biodiversity Day 2022

As we continue to build on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework to be adopted at the upcoming UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15), let’s take a moment to remind ourselves of the importance of biodiversity and celebrate it all together!


Explore the Convention of Biological Diversity’s website and choose an activity to follow, an event to attend, or simply get inspired by all the opportunities and proposals out there:

To conserve biological diversity is to protect the Earth, our shared home and to build a shared future for all life.

This is the message from H.E. Mr. Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment, President of #COP15. You can find many more messages on solidarity and highlighting the importance of addressing the biodiversity crisis on this page.

Join the Global Biodiversity Festival

The Global Biodiversity Festival is a virtual global event for anyone! The goal is to raise awareness on biodiversity loss. On 20-22 May, they’ll share the diverse stories and challenges and successes of scientists, explorers, conservationists, film-makers and policy makers on the front lines of the race to save the incredible variety of life on our planet, us included.

Are you ready for 80 hours of live broadcast with over 160 speakers from all 7 continents and 60+ countries? The event is open and free to join for anyone from anywhere, but registration is required to join the talks and events. Find more information and register here!

EUROPARC and biodiversity conservation

Biodiversity conservation is one of the main goals of our beautiful Protected Areas. As EUROPARC, we celebrate and promote efficient conservation policies, knowledge-sharing and good management practices that respect or enhance biodiversity. We strongly believe it is our Parks and Protected Areas that hold the solutions to biodiversity and climate crises. This is why EUROPARC and other leading organisations in charge of some of the largest tracts of Protected Landscapes and Marine Environments across the world have signed a joint statement at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26).

You can read the statement here.

SEE Project Webinar: Strengthening the partnership between Outdoor Sports and Protected Areas

Photo by: Sebastian Freiler

Published on:
  • 26th of May
  • 09:30 CEST
  • Register here

Outdoor Sports effectively combine the positive outcomes of physical activity and being in nature, and make an important contribution to economic and social cohesion and more integrated societies. But at the same time, Outdoor Sports can have a high impact on the natural environment.

Have you ever wondered how Outdoor Sports and Protected Areas can work together to eliminate negative impacts and build a healthy environment?

If you are an outdoor lover that believes our community is stronger together, you need to join the free webinar session created within the Sustainability and Environmental Education in Outdoor Sports (SEE) project!

It will present the goals and first outcomes of the SEE project, as well as introduce you to the Take Care of Your Trails campaign.
During this webinar, you will also have an opportunity to express your opinion in an interactive session that will help us learn from each other’s experiences.

Webinar Programme

Welcome and Introduction to the webinar
By Sandra Grego – EUROPARC´s Project Officer and Communications Assistant.

SEE Project: an insight into project’s goals and first results
By Teresa Pastor – EUROPARC´s Project Manager

The SEE Project aims to enhance the protection of natural landscapes through education in and through sport with a special focus on responsible outdoor behaviour and skills development for Outdoor Sports leaders, trainers, guides, or instructors. Reports produced within this project focus on perceived issues from Outdoor Sports in Protected Areas, as well as broader sustainability issues for Outdoor Sports.

Take Care of Your Trails campaign
By Mark Torsius – General Manager, International Mountain Bicycling Association Europe

Take Care of Your Trails is IMBA Europe’s (International Mountain Bicycling Association) annual campaign aiming to encourage and promote volunteer-based trail maintenance events across Europe & improve the image of Mountain Biking.
It offers a chance for people to give back to the environment through a series of actions like trail repair, clean-up and build efforts that help maintain and secure the sustainability and future of mountain biking. Last year, the campaign gathered more than 1000 volunteers contributing to 92 activities in 15 EU countries. This year, the campaign runs from April 22nd to June 4th

Let’s talk about it!
An opportunity for you to share your experiences with the group. Do you have a problem you would like us to discuss? Maybe you have a positive experience related to the topic of Outdoor Sports in Protected Areas that you are especially proud of?
Tell us—we’d love to hear your story!

Get to know the speakers

Teresa Pastor

Teresa Pastor – EUROPARC´s Project & Development Manager
Teresa is Project and Development Manager at EUROPARC. She currently manages the European Charter of Sustainable Tourism, the Life Urban Greening Plans project, and she is involved in the SEE – Sustainability and Environmental Education in Outdoor Sports project.

Mark Torsius

Mark Torsius – General Manager, International Mountain Bicycling Association Europe
Mark Torsius is the general manager of the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) Europe and board member of the European Network of Outdoor Sports. He coordinates the advocacy and MTB development projects and programmes of IMBA Europe. Mark firmly believes that knowledge sharing, community building and a cross-sectoral approach is the formula to promote responsible riding behaviour, develop sustainable trail systems and protect the natural places we love to ride.

This webinar is created by EUROPARC within the scope of the SEE Project and is powered by:

Access here the recordings of all previous EUROPARC webinars.