Advancing institutional recognition of the European Charter of Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas

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The European Charter of Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas (ECST) is getting stronger visibility at the EU institutional level.

Bringing the ECST and EU institutions closer together

This is great news for our Sustainable Destinations and Sustainable Partners!

Three recent important steps confirmed the high interest on this topic:

  • EUROPARC Federation was selected to be part of the Commission Expert Group ‘Together for EU Tourism – T4T’ for the next three years. Our project manager Teresa Pastor will participate in the greening transition for tourism sub-group.
  • EUROPARC Federation was invited to submit pledges to the EU Transition Pathway for Tourism.
  • DG GROW and the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC) announcement that they are considering equating ECST 2 (accommodations) with the EU ecolabel.

EUROPARC Federation membership of the T4T Commission Expert Group

The inaugural online meeting of the Commission Expert Group Together for EU Tourism took place on the 22 of June 2023.

The main tasks of this group are:

  • assisting DG GROW in the preparation of policy initiatives resulting from the Transition Pathway in the field of tourism;
  • supporting cooperation and coordination between the Commission, Member States and stakeholders on questions relating to the implementation of Union legislation, actions, programmes and initiatives in the field of tourism, in particular the Transition Pathway for Tourism;
  • bringing about an exchange of experience and good practice in the field of tourism in support of the implementation of the Transition Pathway for Tourism;
  • following up actions in the European Agenda for Tourism 2030.

Teresa Pastor will participate in the Green Transition for Tourism subgroup, which will provide strategic support to the Commission and the overall stakeholder community, and deliver best practices in the EU tourism ecosystem across sectors.

EUROPARC Federation invitation to submit pledges to the EU Transition Pathway for Tourism

As the 2021 Updated Industrial Strategy highlights the need to accelerate the green and digital transitions of EU Industry, a co-creation process was launched to create a Transition Pathway for Tourism.

EUROPARC’s pledges of contribution include:

Comprehensive tourism strategies development or update (topic 4) pledge

  • 100 Protected Areas in 2024 certified by EUROPARC have a local strategy of sustainable tourism, regularly internally monitored and revised each 5 years by EUROPARC verifiers.

Collaborative governance of tourism destinations (topic 5) pledge

  • 100 Protected Areas have an active Forum in 2024, organised on the base of local needs and contexts.
    The Forum participates in the identification and realisation of an ECST strategy and action plan. It is then regularly internally monitored & revised every 5 years, after the evaluation provided by EUROPARC verifiers.

Green transition of tourism companies and SMEs (topic 8) pledges

By 2026:

  • In 100 ECST Protected Areas, tourism companies and SMEs are involved in the Forum;
  • In 50 ECST Protected Areas, tourism companies and small and medium-sized enterprises adhere to the 2nd step of the ECST programme, thus becoming a Sustainable ECST Partner;
  • at least 10 Tour operators adhere to the step 3rd (become a Sustainable Tourism Operator) of the ECST;
  • The ECST Stars Competition is organised every two years and the Award ceremony is organised at the European Parliament in Brussels.

Easily accessible best practices, peer learning and networking for SMEs (topic 11) pledge

By 2026, ten case studies in will be published in the Knowledge Hub of EUROPARC website and will be promoted in news and social media.

Consideration for ECST 2 (accommodations) as an EU ecolabel.

The European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), in collaboration with the Commission’s DG GROW has developed the EU Tourism Dashboard. This flagship initiative is aimed at supporting the green and digital transitions of the tourism sector towards higher resilience and sustainability.

In 2022, the JRC surveyed entities managing ecolabels of tourist accommodation establishments operating in Europe. EUROPARC participated in the survey.

JRC is currently developing a new indicator on the adoption of ecolabels in the 27 EU member states. ECST 2 awarded to accommodations is being considered as a valid ecolabel for this indicator.

The indicator will be published in the next update of the EU Tourism Dashboard, foreseen for Q4 of 2023.

LIFE ENABLE | A thrilling and intense first half of 2023

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LIFE ENABLE has had an exciting year so far! Several reasons for celebration are in order!

It all started in February with the European Nature Academy Induction Meeting  🌍💪🧠🤓

Take a look at the short video:

We met the first intake of participants in person and kicked off their collaborative learning groups – “PODs”. This was a wonderful start to the ENA journey

Without a doubt, this diverse group of 59 managers from 24 countries brings a wealth of experience, enthusiasm and passion to learn to the European Nature Academy:

The energy, positivity and hunger to network was openly evident in the Induction meeting: we could not have asked for a better start to the European Nature Academy.

European Nature Academy

Following the Induction meeting, we continued our collaboration online – on the European Nature Academy.

Between March and June, participants took part in 11 Online Modules during Course 1 | Core Competencies for Effective Management of Natura 2000 & Protected Areas across Europe. They have also been introduced to the Marine and Forest Courses, as well as Train the Trainers Induction Courses.

Modules included specialised interactive online sessions, some also featuring case studies and guest speakers, including:

  • Federico Minozzi | Managing Director, EUROPARC Federation
  • Santtu Kareksela | Senior Specialist (Nature conservation) in Parks & Wildlife Finland
  • Stefano Santi | Co-chair of the EUROPARC Transboundary Cooperation Task force
  • Jorge Sánchez-Cruzado | Altekio S.Coop
  • Nicolette Bolté | Area developer Experimental Gardens and Marketing, NP Weerribben-Wieden
  • Silvia Argentiero | Communication, social media and press relations, Parco Nord Milano
  • Emanuele Raso & Francesco Marchese, Cinque Terre National Park: Actions and project for the management of a cultural landscape | StoneWallsForLife project.
  • Daniel Åberg, Elena Bazhenova, Jimena Castillo, Kullaberg Nature Reserve
  • Conchi Piñeiro | Altekio S.Coop.

Putting acquired skills to use

During their ENA Journey so far, participants also completed several individual and POD tasks, enabling them to apply their learning to benefit their Natura 2000 sites and Protected Areas. One of the tasks was also to make a short video.
Have a look at the winning video from our POD Resilient Forests!

You can also check out Yellow Submarine POD’s video, which took 2nd place!

The video from POD Oak can be seen here.

The journey continues!

Our participants have busy summer months ahead of them.
Working on their ENA Assignments, Marine, Forest and Train the Trainers Courses.

We are already looking forward to the second intake of participants that will have the opportunity to apply toward the end of 2023! 🤩

Read about LIFE ENABLE!

In English and Spanish

LIFE ENABLE has been featured in several publications. Most recent ones include:

“Being close – News from the Alfred Toepfer Academy for Nature Conservation”
Available in English

FORESTA Magazine

Available in Spanish

We wish you happy viewing & reading! 🤓📰


In Memoriam | Dr Rauno Väisänen

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It is with great sadness that EUROPARC learned of the recent death of Dr Rauno Väisänen, retired Head of Parks and Wildlife Finland, Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services.

Rauno was a big presence in EUROPARC in many ways. Not just a two-time served council member. Founder and President of the Nordic-Baltic Section and Alfred Toepfer Member, but principally a stalwart supporter of EUROPARC and all international cooperation. He ensured that Metsähallitus was not an isolated national agency, but well-connected with the colleagues across Europe, ensuring that his staff members participated in international activities.

He established the Nordic-Baltic Section in 2003 in Finland in order to strengthen the network in the north, to make cooperation more concrete and organised, and to actively influence European policies. His work continues in today’s section.

When asked in 2013 what were his favourite EUROPARC moments, Rauno recalled

Listening speeches and songs in Cymraeg (Welsh) in Llandudno; survival walks over the Irish moors and Italian mountains; having a key-note speech at Roses; watching bears in Romania; dancing to Abba songs at Strömstad; trapping rare moths at Oxford (using the dormitory kitchen as a trap); drinking schnapps in rainy Luxembourg; standing-sitting-standing with the Norwegian queen in Jostedalsbreen; swapping books with Aitken Clark; and enjoying gastronomic delights of Europe in the Council meetings. But, yes, my answer is: admiring the natural beauty of Europe together with the EUROPARC friends, a joint moment when you feel a strong connection both with the nature and your friends.

He could not have summed up EUROPARC better and we were all delighted and privileged to have shared those moments with him.

Rauno was a giant amongst us, in personality, in vision and in person and he will be sorely missed.

All in EUROPARC extend our deepest condolences to Rauno’s family, friends and many colleagues who will miss him.

At EUROPARC Conference 2019 in Latvia, Jurmala, Rauno Väisänen, gave us precious tips on how to make Nature an important topic in politicians and decision-makers mindset.

The Time is Now for Nature Restoration

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On the 15.06. the ENVI Committee of the European Parliament is voting on the Nature Restoration Law. The EUROPARC Federation underlines that adapting the law is essential, for people and for nature.

The Time is Now. For People and Nature.

The Time is Now for an ambitious EU Nature Restoration Law. EUROPARC is calling on MEPs and EU Member States to approve the law.

Europe needs a clear and ambitious legislation to drive the restoration of nature. This is a great opportunity to complement EU nature directives, progress on global targets for biodiversity and build the path for our future.

Michael Hošek.

Says EUROPARC President Michael Hošek: “Our predecessors have been brave and ambitious, setting the largest network of Protected Areas across the globe, joining forces to halt the loss of biodiversity and building fruitful environmental legislation in Europe. The time is Now to build on the same vision and restore Europe’s environment for the benefit of biodiversity and to secure the health and wealth of our communities and economies.”

On the 15th of June the ENVI Committee of the European Parliament and subsequently the EU Environment Council on the 20th of June, will both take crucial decisions for the future of Nature Restoration in Europe. Now is the Time to make positive decisions for Europe’s Future.

EUROPARC will assist National, Regional authorities and Protected Areas across Europe to successfully deliver new restoration plans.

Our Protected Areas across Europe are essential to restore what was lost, to support restoration planning in broader landscapes and to protect restored areas.

The Time is Now for Protected Areas to be the building blocks of a Restored Nature.

Eager to learn more bout the role of Protected Areas in Nature Restoration?

Click here

EUROPARC is among the signatories of the #RestoreNature Statement