EUROPARC calls for the implementation of the Human Right to a Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment in the Council of Europe

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EUROPARC presented the work of the Environment, climate change, Heritage and health committee at the General Assembly of the Conference of International NGOs from the 24th – 26th of April 2023.

EUROPARC calls for the implementation of the Human Right to a Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment in the Council of Europe

The General Assembly of the Conference of International NGOs (CINGO), held on the 24th to the 26th of April 2023, marks the end of EUROPARC’s two year mandate of the chairmanship of the Environment, climate change, Heritage and health committee within the Council of Europe (CoE). This committee looked at the following conventions as having particular relevance for European Protected Areas:

The conclusions of this committee are that all these conventions need better coordination and communication in order to achieve an improvement in nature heritage and health management across Europe. There remains a lack of space within the CoE to discuss and relate the crises of climate change and biodiversity loss within its competencies, namely democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

EUROPARC will remain engaged with the work being done in the creation of a protocol to enshrine the right to a Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment, which currently does not exist in the European Convention on Human Rights, as explained in our previous article.

In her closing remarks EUROPARC Executive director, Carol Ritchie, stressed that:

Climate change and biodiversity loss are indeed equity, social justice and human rights issues.

The effect of these crises will be experienced more by the poorest and most vulnerable in our societies. The Council of Europe has maintained that sustainable development is at the top of its agenda, stating that economic progress should not compromise key assets of humanity and the quality of the environment and landscapes and indeed further intimated that climate change is the most serious environmental problem that our shared European natural and cultural heritage is facing. Yet action on climate change and biodiversity loss are negligible across European conventions.

The Aarhus Convention

Further, the Council of Europe, fully adopted the principles of the Aarhus Convention which remains relevant to Protected Areas inthe following ways:

  • Access to environmental information

That information on environmental issues should be available, and accessible.

  • Public participation in environmental decision making

That people should be able to participate in environmental decisions making, something we advocate for in the EUROPARC Youth Manifesto, and through the menthodologies in the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism and Transboundary Parks Programme.

  • Access to justice

That justice should be accessible, that it should be the right of every person, present and future generations to live in an environment adequate to health and being. Here it is imperative that the CoE with leadership from the CINGO to press for the greater action on climate change and nature loss as well as the Human Right to a Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment.

Progress on the UN Human Right to a Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment

Thus far, environmental violations are addressed under article 8 of the European Convention for Human Rights (the right to privacy). With the majority of European countries being Member States within the CoE and having supported the UN Resolution, the European convention becomes outdated in this regard. It is up to the CoE to show solidarity and leadership amongst its members and bring the European Convention up to speed with the international standard.

Protected Areas and their investment and management are a key mechanism to create, deliver and ensure people have this right to a heathy environment realised. EUROPARC will continue to work with others across civil society to press this case.

Toegether with 43 other INGOs, EUROPARC has signed a letter intended to the summit of CoE leaders in Iceland in May. This is only the 4th Summit of the CoE since its establishment in 1949 which is why it is such a pivotal moment to set the path for the future. The letter calls upon the Member States of the Council of Europe to seize the unique opportunity offered by the Reykjavik Summit to promote the effective protection and explicit recognition of an autonomous right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment in an Additional Protocol to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Read the full letter here:

CINGO Letter to the MS of the CoE ahead of the 4th Summit in Reykjavik

Register now to the EUROPARC Conference 2023!

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Our network will meet in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands from 3 – 6 October. Register now to the EUROPARC Conference 2023!

Tribute to our landscape – where nature and people meet in harmony

Our landscapes are the places where people meet, in the past, present and future. In the face of our different challenges, like biodiversity loss and climate change, the decisions we make now will decide if we have a future in harmony with nature.

So, what is needed to create this harmony? What are the lessons learned from our past? How can we change our behaviour and act on regional, national and European level to find this harmony? These are the questions that will guide us throughout the Conference.

Register now!

In 2024, whilst there will be an innovative online alternative, there will not be a face to face EUROPARC Conference. All the more reason to come together this year!

Learning from 50 years of EUROPARC

2023 marks EUROPARC’s 50th anniversary. As such, our Conference will provide participants with loads of opportunities to celebrate. The celebration of 50 years of EUROPARC Federation will form an important element in the programme.

Our 50 years of experience in handling issues and finding solutions can be of great value, if we are capable of linking them to the challenges of tomorrow.

We hope to see many friends, old and new, gather in Leeuwarden, to celebrate this milestone with us. This Conference will bring together the best of EUROPARC, from networking to knowledge exchange: Let’s together learn from the past to prepare for the future. Check out the exciting programme that awaits here:

Full programme

Special early bird & youth fees

Being early pays off! Register until the 15th of May to profit of a special early bird fee. Our members only pay 280 euros – please be sure to have your membership number on hand! Additionally, there are special youth fees, at only 50% of the regular price. However, there is more. Youngsters between 15 and 25 years old can apply for the complete reduction of the Conference fee, made possible by EUROPARC with the generous support of the Alfred Toepfer Stiftung. Only travel and accommodation will need to be paid for by you or your organisation. All information here.

Workshops, inspiration sessions & moments to present your work

This EUROPARC Conference really has it all! Apart from many opportunities to network and learn from your peers, you will also be able to present your own work at either the Landscape Festival or the Marketplace. Additionally, led by experts, our workshops will dive into all topics relevant for Protected Area management, from coexistence with wild carnivores to visitor management – the choice is yours! Of course, field trips in a truly fascinating country will top off your Conference experience. Ready to register? Then head over to the official website now.

The organisation EUROPARC Conference 2023, representing the Dutch National Parks, and the EUROPARC Federation look forward to welcoming you there!

The first European Charter for Sustainable Tourism business partners in the Baltics

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In early February, the Estonian Environmental Board awarded ECST Part II certification to 10 local business partners who are working with Protected Areas to promote and deliver sustainable tourism.

Photo credit: Nele Sõber

The first European Charter for Sustainable Tourism business partners in the Baltics

The Estonian Environmental Board, Keskkonnaamet, is a proud member of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECST). This year, they celebrated taking the next step with the ECST programme by verifying local businesses to become ECST Part II Partners. The ECST Part II are local business partners who commit to the ethos of this charter and participate in regular meetings to create and implement the sustainable tourism action plan for the Protected Area.

This awards ceremony is the first of its kind in the Baltics and is a big acheivement with 10 businesses certified. EUROPARC celebrates their commitment to continue to support the development of sustainable tourism in Matsalu, Lahemaa and Soomaa National Parks!

Sustainable tourism is Good for Parks, Good for People!

Below you can read about each of the Estonian ECST Part II partners:

Kodade Creative Centre

Business type: accommodation, event centre, tours and events

Kodade works with the Matsalu National Park on a mission to support sustainable, nature-friendly life experiences. They offer an opportunity to connect with nature, through sensory and creative activities, and with culture, through restored historical buildings and localities. Visiting Kodade and the Matsalu National Park is the ideal destination for nature and creativity enthusiasts and every year many are welcomed to take part in the creativity camps, photography training, nature hikes and boat trips and much more!

To find out more, visit their website.

Celebrating the ECST Part II awards with partners from Matsalu National Park. Photo credit: Nele Sõber

Piesta Kuusikaru Farm

Business type: accommodation, culinary & cultural experiences

For over 150 years, the Piesta family farm has been living a life committed to the values of nature and community. The family, who have been caring for this land for many generations, want to share this rich cultural history with visitors coming to the Soomaa region and offer food tasting experiences as well as tours of the sustainable farming and crafting practices. For those looking for a travel back in time, the small riverside cottage with its traditional wood-heated sauna is available for overnight stays.

To find out more, visit their website.

Pure Water Theme Park & Ubari Center of Natural Wisdom

Business type: environmental education and excursions

Water connects us all and at the Pure Water Theme Park, where especially the young can come and learn about nature and how everything is connected. The park hosts many visitors and groups over the year, teaching them through fun outdoor learning experiences. Similarly, the Ubari Centre of Natural Wisdon is a provider of outdoor tours, experiencing nature in all its diversity for many different groups of people. Both are operated by the same company, which is committed to promoting a sustainable lifestyle by fostering a love for nature.

To find out more, visit the Pure Water Theme Park website and the Ubari Cenre of Natural Wisdom website.

Alutaguse Hiking Club

Business type: environmental education and excursions

This hiking club is committed to increasing the quality of outdoor activities by developing good relationships with partners such as the local Protected Areas and improving the environmental awareness of participants, members and customers. The hiking club has more to offer than just hiking, they also run youth camps, training courses for guides, climbing competitions and an Adventure Festival.

To find out more, visit their website.

Lahemaa Ecotourism

Business type: environmental education and excursions

Lahemaa Ecotourism has professional staff who assist local, national and international tourists have a great experience in the Lahemaa National Park and surrounding area. They are committed to providing quality service to their customers while having little to no impact on the environment and positively involving the local community.

To find out more, visit their website.

Lobi Cultural Villiage Museum

Business type: environmental education, culinary & cultural experiences

This museum is located on the Lobi Peninsula, one of the longest in Lahemaa National Park. Here, it showcases the rich cultural history of the local area, exploring themes from nature protection, to traditional livelihoods. As a business, they are committed to supporting the lifelong learning of all visitors through experiential activities, such as tasting the “Northern-Estonian local food” for which the Lobi Cultural Village Museum has a quality label.  Similarly, the local staff have an inexhaustable knowledge of the regional and historical culture which they are open to sharing with visitors of all ages.

To find out more, visit their website.

Celebrating the ECST Part II awards with partners from Lahemaa National Park. Photo credit: Nele Sõber

Tipu Nature School

Business type: environmental education & excusions

The Tipu Nature School is an NGO with a mission to connect people to nature. They run the old Tipu schoolhouse, which can be found in Soomaa National Park where they contribute by taking care of a local hiking trail, installing signs in three languages, and caring for a wooded meadow. Not only do they offer camps and outdoor activities, they also have summer volunteer placements highlighting their committment to being a place for learning, exchange and solidarity. In addition to introducing visitors to the natural and cultural heritage of Soomaa National Park region, the Tipu Nature School also strives to foster attitudes and motivation, which drives people to make informed decisions and take responsible action for nature and a sustainable future.

To find out more, visit their website.

Matka-Rebane (which means Hiking Fox)

Business type: environmental education & excusions

Matka-Rebane provides tours out in nature, introducing visitors to the nature in Soomaa across all seasons, showcasing both the natural and the cultural heritage of the landscapes and local communities. They are passionate about connecting people with nature through experiencing emotions while out in nature and using this to promote nature-friendly attitudes and behaviours.

To find out more, visit their Facebook page.

Soomaa Holiday Village

Business type: accommodation, tours and events

You can find the Soomaa Holiday Village on the banks of the Halliste River in the middle of Soomaa National Park. From here, their guests can participate in hiking, canoeing, cycling or relax in the sauna. For the small family-run business, it is important that the guests are familiar and practice ethical and sustainable outdoor behaviour and promote this through a personal approach.

To find out more, visit their website.

Business type: environmental education & excursions

This small local nature tourism company has been active in Soomaa National Park for over 25 years. Not only do they provide a plethora of guided tours in all seasons, they also promote cultural heritage through boat building workshops to promote the traditions of local dugout canoes, which were used during regular flooding (known as the 5th season). Their highly capable guides enjoy working with visitors from across the world and provide high quality nature interpretation while hiking, canoeing or snowshoeing.

To find out more, visit their website.

Celebrating the ECST Part II awards with partners from Soomaa National Park. Photo credit: Nele Sõber

Upcoming XII European Charter for Sustainable Tourism meeting

From the 15th to the 19th of May, tourism experts from across Europe will meet in Triglav National Park, Slovenia, to discuss, exchange and learn from each other. Interested to join them and advance your knowledge of how to implement measures for sustainable tourism and visitor monitoring?

Register Here!

It’s time to utilise ethical private finance to tackle our dual crises – Statement

Workshop at the Siggen Seminar 2023

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From 20 – 22nd of March, 15 participants from 12 countries came together in Gut Siggen to explore how we can upscale nature restoration through private finance during the 2023 EUROPARC Siggen Seminar.

Parks unlocked; Innovative Financing to Transform Parks across Europe.

The participants took a deep dive into models that attract private finance to unlock and drive nature restoration at scale. In particular, looking at the role Parks can play in building the market for investing in Europe’s natural capital. The time is now to take advantage of that € billion opportunity!

Together, they wrote a statement, underlying the urgency to act now, directed at the Protected Area Community, the European Commission, National and Regional parks Administrations and the Green Investment Sector:

“We, representing a cross-section of Protected Areas in Europe, have come together to unlock emerging opportunities to attract ethical private finance at scale and pace, to meet the challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss and catalyse nature restoration across Europe.

Our 15 participants from 12 countries stress the need for the Protected Area community to become “investment ready”, by creating a shared vision to turn nature restoration projects into investable business models, in order to access private finance from the ethical and green investment sector.

The need to act is now.

Together we aim to develop an innovative financing model, where private investment enhances and supplements public funds, creating social and environmental benefits with a financial return. Looking beyond our boundaries, working across biogeographical zones and utilising national and regional protected area network, we commit to collective thinking and action in order to access the billions of ethical finances available. Partnerships with the financial sector is a necessity. A clear policy and ethical framework will inform who we partner with and support the development of ambitious and high integrity nature restoration projects, in and around Protected Areas.

We will advance the development and testing of a model of innovative financing, to attract investment at scale. We want to test and develop this model to roll it out across Europe.

This process will begin with a two-year project, to map and analyse the market actors, the demand for ecosystem services, the policy environment, including carbon mechanisms and codes to support the design of high-quality natural capital projects, as well as identify pilot sites. Funding from European, national and regional administrations would help and enable your areas to Unlock not just the Parks – but the investment needed to create the resilient, healthy nature that we all need.”

The statement was signed by representatives of

EUROPARC Federation


Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional – NORTE, Portugal

Directorate General of Nature and Biodiversity. Government of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

National Park Harz, Germany

Czech Society for Ornithology, Czech Republic

Foreste Casentinesi National Park – Italy

Triglav National Park, Slovenia

UNDP/ Sustainability of Protected Areas, Bosnia and Herzegovina

NatureScot, Scotland

Download the statement here

Participants of the Siggen Seminar 2023

Participants of the Siggen Seminar 2023

The EUROPARC Siggen Seminar is made possible through the generous support of the Alfred Toepfer Stiftung.